Logo Montbel Srl

Montbel Srl

via delle Scuole 30
33044 Manzano (Udine)
  +39 0432 743147
  +39 0432 743807

Montbel was set up in 1959 at Manzano in the province of Udine. The founder is Silvano Montina. Ever since its beginnings, Montbel has manufactured high quality seating, based on designs and exclusively for its own customers.

The second generation of owners joined the company in the current century: Manuela and Stefano Montina – flanked by partner Marco Marseu – began an entrepreneurial endeavor that has seen Montbel widening its target markets and make a name for itself as an international, qualified seating production brand. That is how the first collections signed Montbel began, furnishing halls, restaurants, the rooms of the leading hotel chains worldwide.

The firm chooses to cater exclusively for the contract market, thus determining a kind of output with precise technical features, as it meets specific requirements in terms of endurance, homologation and security.
At Montbel, manufacturing is followed internally in every phase the seating item goes through: from the drying out of the wood to the machining of the elements, to the assembling of the structure. Then comes the painting stage, wisely carried out by colour specialists; finally, the padding, cutting and sewing of the fabric, which is applied to the seating as a tailor would.

In 2013, Montbel decided to invest even more in its own brand, flanking quality research of the product – ever more in the van – with a team of professionals, able to ensure the firm a reputation as a manufacturer of top-notch Italian-made articles, entirely devoted to the international contract market.

Since 2012 it has been the sponsor of the world’s foremost cinema events: the Cannes Festival and the Venice International Cinema Art Show; since 2014, of the Berlin International Cinema Festival.

Competency, enthusiasm and passion are the key words of the people that work for Montbel. “If great undertakings are procreated from a mental picture, we wish to go on dreaming, since there is nobody who is more persistent that a stargazer.”

Montbel ist Partner des Netzwerks The Italian Concept und stellt sich zusammen mit Piaval e Midj auf den internationalen Märkten vor, um den Kunden die größte Auswahl an Produkten und Stilen anzubieten, deren Qualität durch eine vollständig in Italien entwickelte Entwicklung garantiert wird Produktion.

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